What's the best thing going for you right now?
Dang...what's not going for me right now? As evidenced by the above title, I will just make a list. Let's say, oh, twenty-seven things that I have "going for me right now"
1. I have an awesome wife who takes care of me.
2. I have an awesome kid who makes me laugh daily.
3. I have a house that I love, not to mention that is centrally located within a convenient distance of everything I need.
4. I see family every day.
5. Both of our cars work just fine at the moment.
6. I have a good job that I've held for a long time.
7. My current bosses are great, flexible, and fun.
8. I will soon have new bosses, and I'm excited about the potential growth of the business (well, like 65 percent excited, 35 percent worried).
9. All of our Christmas decorations are already up.
10. I see most of my friends on a regular basis.
11. I'm in a band that is still fun to play in.
12. As a result of playing in this band and being challenged to learn very difficult songs, I am an exponentially better musician than I used to be. I feel like I would be comfortable taking on just about any project that came my way (not that any are, but still...). I like that I'm still loose and not rusty at playing my instrument.
13. I play weekly pick-up hockey with my buddies, which is great fun.
14. My mom is so awesome that she watches Cohen and Martha every day.
15. My dad always has the exact advice I need, be it about car maintenance, home upkeep, or anything else.
16. I have great relationships with my brother (who I laugh with every time I see him) and my sister (who stays in constant contact with me, basically throughout every day).
17. The Falcons are 9-2.
18. The Braves just signed Dan Uggla.
19. While Kimberly and I are not wealthy by any means, we make enough to pay our bills, which can sometimes be overwhelming.
20. I'm making positive strides in becoming healthier.
21. Um, it sounds pretty cheesy, but I feel that Cohen has a really cool dad, and Kimberly has a really cool husband. Some of Kimberly's teacher friends and their kids can't necessarily say that about their husbands/fathers, who may or may not be rednecks or dorks.
22. I have a ton of customers who insist on dealing exclusively with me because they like my work, which is always nice for the ol' self esteem.
23. I live a 97 percent drama-free life.
24. I live literally 3.5 miles from the stadium of a minor league baseball team, which happens to be a farm team for my favorite major league team (I also get to make player locker nameplates for some of the players who will eventually be Cohen's sports heroes).
25. I have a gym membership that only costs $5 a month...I get waaaaay more than my money's worth on that one.
26. I'm pretty sure Cohen's favorite word is "Daddy"
27. Last but certainly not least, I get to see Kimberly naked on a daily basis. Living. The. Dream.
Wow...it really wasn't nearly as hard to come up with this list as I thought it would be. When it comes down to it, I guess I really can't complain about much of anything. I'm incredibly happy. I have everything I need (tangible and intangible) plus a ton of stuff that I don't necessarily need, but want.
And yesterday's question was asking me about giving up on life!
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